Monday, January 28, 2013

1971 - Antelope Hunting in Wyoming

This picture was taken on an antelope hunting trip to western Wyoming, which Anne and I took with Mom and Dad in September of 1971.  This was an antelope that Mom shot.  Dad cleaned the antelope and we put it in the back of the jeep and drove away to look for some more. 
We had only gone a quarter of a mile when Mom asked Dad where the star sapphire ring which he wore on his little finger was.  It was gone.  After checking all of his pockets Mom insisted that we drive back to the place where he had cleaned the antelope.
We all looked around the spot where the antelope entrails were, being careful not to disturb the surrounding area.  But we were unable to find the ring.  Dad was content to go back to hunting, but Mom insisted that he leave her there to look for the ring, which we did.  She cleared an area next to the offal and began to meticulously go through the pile, moving each piece to the cleared area.  We left as she began that process.
After about an hour we returned and found her sitting next to the now relocated pile of antelope entrails.  She refused to say anything about the ring and we drove off together.  Eventually she reached into her pocket and pulled her hand out with the ring on her finger.  She refused to give it back to Dad for some time.  Anne now has the stone - set in another ring and we often think about that experience. 
Mom was a great sport, and although she wasn't crazy about hunting, was willing to go along and would carry more than her share of the load.  She and Dad often teased each other.  Their love for each other was always very evident to all who knew them, and a geat blessing to their children.


Pat Horne said...

I had not heard that story before. Thanks for sharing.

Love, Pat

Emy said...

I'd love to see a picture of the ring too!

Angela Bassett said...

I agree with Emy. I think this post needs a follow up picture of the ring. It would be great if there was a picture of Grandpa or Tutu with the ring on!
PS Can you tell the story of why we called her Tutu?